[아스날코리아 번역기사] 클럽(아스날)이 £189,000(약 3억 4천)를 센터포인트에 기부했다 아스날 풋볼 클럽은 이번 자선 시즌에 크리스마스를 맞이하기 전에 모금한 £189,009를 지난 12월 4일 풀럼전에서 센터포인트(노숙자 구호 시민단체)에 전달하였다.
1군 선수들인 가엘 클리쉬, 시오 월콧, 니클라스 벤트너와 엠마누엘 에보우에는 센터포인트 호스텔에서 기금 모금과 크리스마스 트리를 꾸미는 등 특별한 크리스마스를 보냈다. 이번의 모든 기부는 'Be a Gooner. Be a Giver.' 캠페인의 일환으로 기금 목표는 £500,000(약 8억 9천만원)이다.
기부금 전달소식이 알려지면서, 아스날 감독 아르센 벵거 감독이 말했다: "만일 당신이 노숙자라면, 크리스마스는 일년 중 매우 힘든 시간이 될테지만 센터포인트는 어린 노숙자들에게 쉼터와 효과적인 삶 스킬을 배워서 스스로 일어날 수 있도록 도와주고 있습니다.크리스마스는 베풀기 위한 시간이며 우리는 'Be a Goonner, Be a Giver' 캠페인에 참여하는 환상적인 일을 발표하는 것이 영광스럽습니다. 우리는 큰 감사를 표하며 모든 이들의 해피 크리스마스를 기원합니다."
아스날 파트너쉽으로 현재까지 모금한 금액은 £211,412이며 서포터즈들은 계속해서 2011/11 시즌동안 기부를 진행하고 있다. 기부를 하고 싶거나 파트너쉽에 대한 상세 정보를 알고 싶다면 웹사이트 www.beagoonerbeagiver.org를 방문하면 된다.
[아스날닷컴 원문기사] Club raises £189,000 for Centrepoint Arsenal Football Club delivered an early Christmas present to its Charity of the Season, Centrepoint, after announcing a fundraising total of £189,009 from the Club’s dedicated matchday against Fulham on Saturday, December 4.
First-team players Gael Clichy, Theo Walcott, Nicklas Bendtner and Emmanuel Eboue paid a special Christmas visit to residents of Centrepoint’s Berwick Street Hostel to reveal the amount raised and spread some festive cheer by handing out gifts and helping to decorate the centre’s Christmas tree.
The Club’s dedicated matchday was a huge success as players, directors and supporters all joined forces to raise money via a range of fundraising activities.
While players and directors donated a day’s wages to the cause, supporters donated generously to bucket collections, raffle ticket sales and the sale of limited edition bobble hats, as worn by a number of Arsenal first-team players in recent weeks. Fans were also encouraged to take part in a special charity text-to-donate raffle to win a trip to Dubai, courtesy of Brazilian midfielder Denilson, while 50 pence from every matchday programme sold was donated towards the fundraising total.
Kareem Leigh, 19, who is currently supported by Centrepoint, was also given a rare opportunity to carry the match ball out onto the pitch and hand it over to referee Chris Foy prior to kick-off. Kareem became homeless after suffering a series of setbacks and family problems and is now being helped by Centrepoint to secure a positive future and develop essential life skills to help him get back on his feet.
The total donation will make a significant contribution towards the ‘Be a Gooner. Be a Giver.’ campaign, which has set a season-long fundraising target of £500,000 to help create a state-of-the-art facility at a refurbished centre in Soho.
On announcing the money raised, Arsenal manager Arsène Wenger said: “If you’re homeless, Christmas can be a very difficult time of year but Centrepoint helps provide young homeless people with a shelter and somewhere where they can learn essential life skills to help them get back on their feet. Christmas is a time for giving and we’re honoured to be able to announce this fantastic sum of money towards our ‘Be a Gooner. Be a Giver’ campaign. On behalf of all those who made a contribution on and around the Fulham matchday, we say a big thank you and wish you all a happy Christmas.”
Seyi Obakin, Chief Executive of Centrepoint said: "We are incredibly grateful to the players, directors and fans of Arsenal Football Club for raising such a fantastic amount of money at our dedicated matchday against Fulham. It was great to see everyone supporting our cause so positively and this will make a huge difference to the lives of homeless young people in London, helping them re-engage in education and work and gain essential skills to help them look forward to a brighter and more confident future.
The current fundraising total for Centrepoint through the Arsenal partnership stands at £211,412 and supporters can continue to donate to the Charity throughout the course of the 2010/11 season. To make a donation and find out more about the partnership, visit www.beagoonerbeagiver.org.